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Basel legt neue “Revisions to the Basel securitisation framework” vor


Nachdem das erste Paper viele kritische Kommentare bekommen hatte, legt das Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ein neues, überarbeites Papier vor. In der BCBS Presseerklärung dazu heißt es:

“In developing these proposals, the Committee has carefully taken into account the comments received on the first consultative document, as well as the results of the related quantitative impact study (QIS). Revisions have also been informed by the Committee’s desire to strike an appropriate balance between risk sensitivity, simplicity and comparability.

Relative to the first consultation, the major changes in this consultative document apply to the hierarchy of approaches, and the calibration of capital requirements.

For the hierarchy, the Committee has proposed a simple framework akin to that used for credit risk:

In reviewing the calibration of the approaches, theCommittee has revised some of the modelling assumptions behind the original calibration proposed in the first consultative document. These changes result in greater consistency with the underlying credit risk framework. The result is to significantly reduce capital requirements vis-à-vis the initial proposals, although capital requirements remain more stringent than under the existing framework. The Committee also proposes to set a 15% risk-weight floor for all approaches, instead of the 20% floor originally proposed.”

Kommentare sind bis zum 21. März 2014 erwünscht.

Zu dem BCBS Papier

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