On 27 June, the EU Parliament and the Council, mediated by the European Commission, reached an agreement on the EU banking package in the so-called trilogue (see press release of the European Commission). The EU banking package represents the final implementation of Basel III (also called “Basel IV”) in the EU. Therefore, the EU is
Archives for June 2023
Greenwashing in the financial sector – ESAs publish progress reports
On June 1, the ESAs (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA) presented their common understanding of greenwashing in the financial sector. The progress reports are an initial response to the European Commission’s request to the three ESAs for input on greenwashing risks related to Sustainable Finance. […]
ESAs publishes final Draft RTS for ESG disclosures for STS securitisations
The ESAs published their final report together with the final Draft RTS on the disclosure of sustainability factors for STS securitisations on 25 May. This was prompted by the 2020 Capital Market Relief Package, which called on the EBA to explore how technical standards for ESG disclosure of TST securitisations could be designed (see TSI kompakt of