Mit Datum 27. November hat die EZB eine Presseerklärung hinsichtlich der veränderten Timeline für die Lieferung von Loan Level Daten veröffentlicht. Demnach gelten nun folgende neue Fristen für die Einlieferung von Loan Level Daten in das European Datawarehouse:
For residential mortgage-backed securities, the reporting requirements will be mandatory as of 3 January 2013.
For asset-backed securities, where the cash-flow generating assets comprise loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, the reporting requirements will be mandatory as of 3 January 2013.
For commercial mortgage-backed securities, the reporting requirements will be mandatory as of 1 March 2013.
For other asset classes (i.e. auto loans, consumer finance loans and leasing receivables) the date of entry into force remains as originally announced, namely 1 January 2014
Nachfolgend der Link zur offiziellen Pressemitteilung der EZB.