The recent agreement by the EU bodies on the principles of the European Green Bond Standard (view article TSI kompakt 10 March 2023) has put the spotlight on the current status of the market for green bonds & sustainable securitisation. Secured funding instruments such as securitisations have their own complexities when it comes to sustainability. What does sustainable finance actually have in store for those who take care of secured and unsecured funding so that their companies turn green? How do market participants deal with the multitude of financial instruments? What experiences have they made so far with sustainable finance? What are the challenges in the operational funding business?
The market participants´view
We have discussed these and other questions in a roundtable with treasurers and financial market experts from Porsche Holding Salzburg Group (Austria) and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (Germany).
Green Bonds and Sustainable Securitisation – the market participants´ view