Der BDI und das DAI haben sich in gemeinsamen Briefen an Mr Jonathan Faull, Director General Internal Market and Services der European Commission, und Mr Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), gegen die in der Diskussion befindlichen Eigenkapitalanforderungen für ABS-Anleihen unter der Solvency II ausgesprochen. Unter anderem wird in den Briefen ausgeführt: “Among others, this would have a significant negative impact on German car manufacturers using structured finance products for sales financing. The securitization of loans granted to medium-sized companies which increasingly becomes an option of finance for the German “Mittelstand” would be curtailed as well. The reasons for too tight capital requirements are hardly understandable.”
Und weiter:
“Securities backed with loans or leasings of the German automobile sector did resist the tendency of falling prices in the financial markets crisis. Even on the peak of the crisis default rates of structured finance products based on German loans to medium sized companies were negligible. Undoubtedly this high quality will remain in the future.”
Zu den Briefen: